'Rona Retrospective #3: 14 Days to Hide Jibby Jab Injuries
The greatest statistical heist in Simulation history?
'Rona Retrospectives #2: The Unjabbed French Backpacker Who Stole Christmas
A glance back at peak Germ Derangement Syndrome Downunder.
An Alternative Explanation for the Died Suddenly Epidemic
The damage being inflicted on the human heart is not just biological.
‘Rona Retrospectives: #Ballgate
A nostalgic tribute to when Nicki Minaj, swollen testicles and the Jibby Jab collided.
The Devil Has Entered The Room
The mask hides the forked tongue, so you will know him by the needle in his hand and the smile in his eyes.
Wetiko, The Virus and The West
How to stop the spiritual spread, one infected mind at a time.
Guys, They Just Told Us It Isn't A Vaccine
Why aren’t we listening and acting accordingly?
Our 'Rona Selflessness Story is Over
It's time to create a new narrative to focus our altruistic urges towards.
Redeeming the Vax-Scene
In the spirit of Christmas, it's time for both sides of the Jibby Jab debate to come together.
Resolving the Great Jibby Jab Death Paradox
How did we arrive at a Pandemic of the Unjabbinated when so much evidence says otherwise?
Toxic Selflessness Pt 2: The Belgium Wafflers
Who are our international pandemic stars? What (or who) is causing variants? What is "Mass Formation" and how can it explain our current predicament? All these questions partially answered and more.
All-Cause Mortality Lives Matter Too
A medicine is supposed to prevent people from dying, yes?
Checking In On Our Fave Spike Protein
The Science keeps rolling in on the most audacious and ambitious medical experiment in history, and it ain't looking great.
What Just Happened in Wilcannia?
Triumph and Tragedy for Indigenous people Down Under, as Western Medicine takes another hard L.
The Absolute State of Western Medicine
Leave your white fragility at the door for this one guys, it's gonna get rough.
"Following the Science" on Vaccinating Children for Covid-19
See also: Trusting/Listening To The Experts
Why These "Vaccines" Are Actually Just Therapeutics
And why this ends the narrative for vaccine mandates.
Utilising the Power of Covid Vaccine Victim Stories
Because every tragedy can still be used for the power of good.