Toxic Selflessness Pt 2: The Belgium Wafflers
Who are our international pandemic stars? What (or who) is causing variants? What is "Mass Formation" and how can it explain our current predicament? All these questions partially answered and more.
One of the most interesting subplots to watch throughout this pandemic movie has been the roles taken by each individual country.
China: for (allegedly) starting the whole shit show and then gleefully overcoming it (allegedly) while the rest of the world descended into madness.
The United States: for providing the exquisite political theatre and geopolitical centre-point around which this whole pandemic may later be found to have been designed.
The UK (a Kingdom I know) for being the first ones to blow the whistle on the whole sham (even though barely anyone even realised) when they casually declared the ‘Rona no longer a “high consequence infectious disease” in March 2020.
Sweden and their controversial shunning of the Western holy cows of lockdowns and mandates (the jury is still out, depending on who you listen to (as with every single significant global issue right now)).
India for flying the flag for Asia and giving all the Ivermectin Bros an entry point into Western Medical Supremacy.
Africa (a continent, I know): for basically not having a pandemic — with the notable exception of South Africa — before very conveniently providing the fertile breeding ground for our new scariant of choice that just so happens to be an anagram of “moronic”.
Australia: for going full commie (never go full commie, guys).
But we have had a few quiet ones as well.
For example, a question not enough people have been asking: what the hell have Belgium been doing this pandemic? As always, our first point of call is Our World in Data, and our old friend “Cumulative Covid Deaths per million”.
Yikes. Almost as bad as the yanks? C’mon guys, you have the UN on your side! Ahh…
Anyway, we shouldn’t be too harsh. Belgium have in fact made enormous contributions to the pandemic story: they just weren’t as flashy and newsworthy as some of our leadings lights.
In fact, Belgium has provided some of the most grounded, rational and (dare I say it) based intellectual analyses of the pandemic state of play. Let’s have a look.
Throughout this whole pandemic, I have tried to take opinions mostly from those who hit the conspiracy sweet spot of being criticised by both ‘sides’.
You may not know, but the opinions of some of the biggest anti-Jibby Jab names are also widely doubted and disputed by the hardcore no-virus crowd. Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jnr, to name drop a few.
Why? Because they fight back almost entirely within the Germ Theory paradigm. To even acknowledge the legitimacy of this paradigm — that there are microscopic biological pathogens capable of causing us illness regardless of the state of our inner terrain — is seen by many as grounds for automatic ‘shill’ material.
With this in mind, I realised I might have found my go-to guy for Jibby Jab normie awakening when I came across a Dutch chap called Geert Vanden Boscche (or, it goes without saying, The Bossche Man for short).
The Bossche Man in full flight
I had seen his name floating around the Twittersphere, but only properly sat down with him in my YouTube-and-jigsaw puzzle conspiracy zone after I saw him mentioned on Del Bigtree’s The Highwire.
He undoubtably classifies as a ‘whistleblower’, given he was one the first proper vaccine establishment men to both speak out against the Rona vaccine rollout and also support alternative treatment options. Due to his position in this establishment, he was able to articulate convincing and arguably-compelling arguments (which I originally discussed here) for the lack of scientific judgement behind mass ‘Rona vaccination: arguments that are wholly accessible to those all-in on Germ Theory (and quickly made him the subject of much controversy and attempted debunking).
These are what I believe are his two most compelling arguments, situated within the assumption that there is indeed a highly contagious and harmful new coronavirus circulating the world.
The first is to do with targeted versus general immunity. It is an extremely straight forward idea: that by creating a very specific form of antibody immunity against the original SARS-CoV-2 virus strain, we reduce our ability to fight off a wider range of pathogens: whether they be Covid variants or other such viruses. Thus, our relentless need to judge the effectiveness of the Jibby Jab simply on outcomes of Covid illness, rather has the overall prevention of disease — a mistake that we may now be starting to see manifest in rises in excess mortality in highly jabbed locations.
The second concerns the link between vaccination and variants. The Bossche Man was one of the first serious voices to propose the theory that — contrary to popular opinion — it was actually the jabbed who were more likely to evolutionarily-select more infectious (and potentially more deadly) mutations. Thus the mass vaccination of young healthy people will serve no purpose other than continuing the pandemic for longer than necessary.
Both arguments provide explanations for why high vaccination rates have not produced the anticipated reductions in infections. And until the experts we have told to trust stop being so spectacularly wrong about almost everything, he seems like as good a voice of Jibby Jab reason as we have at the moment.
Like they did then, The Bossche Man’s central arguments remain highly logical and entirely consistent with what we are seeing play out around the world. As such, he may end up being one of the Germ Theory VIPs in the ‘Rona wash-up.
But what we are seeing unfold extends far beyond divergences in basic understanding of germs and terrain. There is an unmistakable psychological — or, perhaps more accurately, moral — element to our collective social response to this pandemic. As such, his theories may not end up being as significant and enlightening as the intellectual contributions of the clinical psychologist and Professor Mattias Desmet: another bespectacled book-lover from Belgium.
Bespectacled booklover from Belgium #2
The Professor started doing the podcast rounds in the second half of 2021, putting forward a logical explanation for the collective psychological state that this pandemic has induced: Mass Formation.
Mass Formation provides a compelling answer to a question that an increasing amount of everyday folk have started to ask about their peers (particularly those still not immune to the current Omicron ridiculousness): why do so many people still believe in the mainstream ‘Rona narrative?
What is important in the accessibility of Mass Formation as a concept is that it concerns only the behaviour of our peers: not that of elite decision-makers and propagandists, which is the typical approach of the Covid-questioning army. It provides a coherent explanation for how we have collectively agreed to accept a seemingly counter-productive reality — an explanation that doesn’t rely simply on nefarious Illuminati mind control techniques. It is, thus, mercifully, a conspiracy-free zone (sorta).
So then: what has happened to us, if not a cruel pranked pulled over us by our satanic overlords?
Desmet suggests that we have fallen into a collective spell, hypnotised by the overarching desire to contribute to a collective endeavour in a world otherwise stripped of meaning and connectedness.
These are two of the four proposed stages of Mass Formation in a population: a lack of social meaning-making, combined with a lack of social connectedness. Add on top of that an unhealthy dose of generalised and ambiguous anxiety and aggression, both of which arise with no clear cause, and the perfect conditions for this particular type of toxic selflessness are provided.
Such is the psychologically-transformative nature of contributing to a pre-defined and agreed upon collective goal, adhering to this new channel for altruism becomes almost a ritual — a form of self-sacrifice that we become conditioned to accept without question. A gradual building up of the burden placed upon the individual for adhering to the collective only fuels our sense of sacrifice and the meaning that is made from it.
This understandable and even sympathetic tendency takes a nastier turn, when all that aforementioned anxiety and aggression manifest as extreme intolerance, denunciation and ridicule of voices that threaten this collectively agreed-upon narrative. If not nipped in the bud, such a process can enable and transform into full blown totalitarian regimes, ripe for the introduction and normalisation of inhumane social restrictions.
Now, as you might have guessed, The Professor does go a bit tin foil hat at times — noting that the deliberately deceptive dissemination of a unifying and purposeful narrative through mainstream media can be particularly effective at inducing Mass Formation when conditions conveniently become so ripe, thus allowing attention to be diverted away from other inconvenient narratives.
But external conditioning doesn’t have to be the true cause of this situation. We can’t just put the blame for our predicament on those shady elites and their astonishingly effective manipulation of Germ Theory for their own power-grabbing purposes. Any totalitarian regime that has been or is about to be unfolded can only be so because of our collective consent.
When lacking meaning, it is human nature to actively look for, or even create for ourselves, situations that bring us that meaning — we cannot exist without this search. Thus, we could also argue that our current state of pandemic Mass Formation is a selflessness-seeking-story we have created ourselves. The realisation that this story has morphed into something self-destructive serves to brings to light underlying flaws in our collective psychology.
What might these flaws be? How have we allowed this to occur?
Perhaps it is our own unchecked pursuit of the transhumanist lure of the Western medical experiment, which has caused us to manifest a narrative that is dragging us away from alignment with the natural world.
Perhaps it is our own hubris — our own lack of intellectual curiosity — to question, challenge and hold to the light some of the basic scientific foundations of this pandemic, scared about what the disruptions to these foundations might lead to.
Perhaps, therefore, it is also our unwillingness to fully address the underlying issues in our society (and for us as individuals) that made us prime candidates for falling into Mass Formation in the first place: that is, the true reasons for our lack of a meaning and connectedness, our underlying anxiety and aggression.
Or, as I argued last time: it could simply just be that we have taken our natural desire for altruism — for aligning to the collective — to an unhealthy extreme… and that it is time to start living our own best lives again, even if it means breaking from the spell of the masses.