Resolving the Great Jibby Jab Death Paradox
How did we arrive at a Pandemic of the Unjabbinated when so much evidence says otherwise?
Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to everyone, regardless of your chosen pathway towards health!
Fellow diggers: I have a Jibby Jab puzzle to be solved; an increasingly perplexing pandemic paradox in our increasingly divided scientific landscape that needs to be resolved.
In short: we appear to have two competing timelines unfolding at the moment. On one hand, we have this little phenomenon you might have heard about: the Pandemic Of The Unjabbinated (POTU) — a phenomenon that reached its apex with the actual POTUS cheerily manifesting a holiday period of death and misery for those refusing to submit to the dictates of the political arm of Big Pharma.
In support of this timeline, we have been presented with various forms of evidence that the dirty unjabbed are being disproportionately struck down by the unrelenting scourge of the ‘Rona — seeking out with heat-seeking-missile-like specificity those who dare to face this relentless foe with nigh else but their forlorn, God-given natural immunity.
It’s all very convincing, these breathless reports of the unclean filling up emergency rooms and ICUs: especially when accompanied by official data showing us in cold hard numerical reality that the unjabbed are indeed dying from the Rona at higher rates than the jabbed.
But… then there is this other data picture emerging: seemingly incompatible and incongruous to our first timeline.
We have, to start with, these suspicious peaks in Covid deaths in countries across the world, occurring in tight synchronicity with the Jibby Jab rollout in its various stages:
Then we have these also suspicious and also highly ominous rising excess all-cause mortality figures (remember: all-cause mortality lives matter, guys). Needless to say, this is the exact opposite result we would expect to see when rolling out a life-saving medicine in the middle of a life-endangering pandemic.
And then — as the anti-Jibby Jabber cherry on top — we have the results of the Pfizer clinical trial itself, where more participants in the jabbed arm of the trial died than those in the control group.
So: how to reconcile? Both realities can’t be correct, can they?
Is it possible that the Jibby Jab is indeed saving lives from the ‘Rona — but, at the same time, we have some mysterious unknown factor that has been added to the mix (Climate Change? Cannabis?), striking people down in large numbers, including very specifically via those now-notorious heart conditions in the previously young and healthy?
But I have another theory. You may not like it — particularly if you have bought into the POTU narrative up until now — but if you have made it this far, hear me out.
Because this theory comes from the CDC itself, the chief Jibby Jab enforcers no less, and relates to their own definition of what constitutes being ‘Fully Jabbinated’. Let’s see it in their own words:
“In general, people are considered fully vaccinated:
- 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or
- 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine
If you don’t meet these requirements, regardless of your age, you are NOT fully vaccinated. Keep taking all precautions until you are fully vaccinated.”
Get that? You are only considered fully jabbed from 14 days after you are physically jabbed. Between these two landmarks lies some murky no-mans land of immunity, within which unfortunate individuals who may become sick or even kick the bucket from unknown causes — perhaps even due to the Jibby Jab itself! — are presumably grouped together as being unjabbed.
In fact, the CDC appear to confirm that this is indeed the classification method they are using, based on this passage in their most recent report on the Omicron variant:
“Among these cases of COVID-19 attributed to the Omicron variant, 34 (79%) occurred in persons who completed the primary series of an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 vaccine ≥14 days before symptom onset or receipt of a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result…”
Surely, it couldn’t possible that simple, and sinister, could it? One act of statistical shiftiness that has been responsible for a coherent, coordinated yet ultimately false narrative to emerge across the entire Western world. Have we really gone from “2 weeks to stop the spread” to “2 weeks to hide Jibby Jab deaths”?
I couldn’t possibly know if this same categorisation system is being used across the Western world, and neither can you, I would assume. Still: Occam’s Razor requires that we put forward the most likely explanation for this otherwise inexplicable paradox, until a better explanation comes along.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays fellow diggers!