'Rona Retrospective #3: 14 Days to Hide Jibby Jab Injuries
The greatest statistical heist in Simulation history?
The other day, during an entirely unnecessary visit to Elon’s digital hellscape, I came across — for the first time in a while — one of Those Jibby Jab Graphs.
One of what graphs, you might ask?
In Cope Land indeed.
Yep, one of those graphs.
Of all the items of dangerous mis/dis/cisinformation that circulated faster than rogue spike proteins towards the ovaries of Jibby Jabbed lab mice, this steaming pile of $cience seems to have remained the most unflushable.
How did it happen? Ben from US Mortality breaks it down here.
Indeed, many wiser and more sciencey people than me have shone light on the statistical skullduggery and deception-by-study-design that has created the illusory yet widely-held belief in Jibby Jab Efficacy.
There is only one explanation that really matters to me, and it is the phenomenon that you may, or may not, know as 14 Days to Hide Jibby Jab Injuries (the quite awful 14DTHJJI from hereon-in).
I’m not saying that the entire scam comes down to 14DTHJJI (although, on a clear day, the thought does cross my mind). But it was the initial act of deception that created the final, visually-unambiguous confirmation for countless many compliers that the option being rapidly enforced upon them was indeed the right — nigh only — one.
Remember, these were those heady days of the commencement of the Greatest Experiment On Earth: there was no partially jabbed, boostered, died suddenlied — just that cold hard dichotomy between initiated and uninitiated.
Except… those shifty assholes chucked in a last minute curve ball.
Taking that painfully drawn out wait before the edible fully kicks in to new extremes, apparently this particular type of medicine ONLY STARTS WORKING AFTER 14 DAYS GUYS.
Was this devious little manoeuvre planned in one of the VIP-only rooms of Event 201, then kept safe and secure in a coldroom in the Faucinator’s basement?
Or was 14 Days to Hide Jibby Jab Injuries (enough of that godforsaken acronym) always in place and in play in our Western public health system in our BC era?
Whatever the true balance between malevolence and incompetence, 14DTHJJI (sigh) was and always will be remembered as being almost unbelievably, eye-wateringly stupid. Is our public health system now so fundamentally simulated that its disciples simply saw no reason to question whether categorising an individual who has just been injected with an experimental medicine as not actually having had that medicine for two whole weeks (the Brits have even gotten away with pushing it out to 3 weeks lolz) is IN ANY FUCKING WAY representative of how medicine works outside of that Simulation?
This stupidity nonetheless provided the foundations upon which The Germ Conspiracists were able to pull off their transhumanist heist — the only reason they could explain away the Great Jibby Jab Death Paradox: that despite the clear and obvious spike in “Covid” and all-cause mortality that occurred in suspiciously close correlation with the commencement of the rollout (not to mention the excess mortality in the pfucking Pfizer trial itself) the Jabs were actually safe, effective and life-saving!
In a fun twist, 14DTHJJI was also the final Straw on the ‘Rona narrative Back for many of us; once someone processed the implications of 14DTHJJI, there was no going back from ‘Rona dissidence: or, for that matter, from questioning just how deceptive the entire BC Jibby Jab narrative might be.
So, um, thanks?
To finish our retrospective — an analogy, paraphrased from OG ‘Rona Dissident-Troll The Bad Cat, which describes the criminal madness of it all perfectly:
“Imagine you are soldier running across a battlefield. You find temporary shelter in a foxhole, but you see what seems a more protected bunker across the field. The catch is, making a run for the shelter opens you up to enemy fire. What do you do?
Everyone has to make their own choice, of course, and accept the consequences of that choice. But it is only fair to judge the overall wisdom of the decision to run for the bunker by comparing the number of people injured or killed to those who stayed behind.
But what if, for example, a general who ordered his troops to make a run for the bunker later tried to justify his decision by ignoring those troops who got shot on the way to the bunker, and looked only at the survival rate of those who made it to the bunker? What if he even told people that those troops who died making the run for the bunker actually died while staying in the foxhole?
To top the analogy off: what if, in the final insult, the promised bunker actually provided you with no shelter at all, and there was no reason to leave the foxhole in the first place?”
How to create an entirely fictitious narrative through statistics