Utilising the Power of Covid Vaccine Victim Stories
Because every tragedy can still be used for the power of good.
Princess Leia surviving being frozen in deep space — a story not quite as tragic as someone dying from a Covid vaccine, but inexcusable nonetheless.
Who doesn’t love a good story? I know I do.
Well, what about bad ones? No, I’m not talking about something like Star Wars: The Last Jedi (lol remember when Princess Leia got frozen in deep space then magically started flying and survived coz The Force). I’m thinking more like the stories of the increasing number of victims of these current batch of injections we are labelling as Covid vaccines.
Every single one of these stories is a tragedy (yes I know, so are the people who died from actual Covid, but it is fair to say they have had plenty of air time already). But tragedy can still be utilised for constructive means, and there is a power to these stories — the power of being injured and killed by something that was designed and often forced on them with the aim of protecting from that exact thing — that has the potential to change the minds and hearts of those who still support this increasingly bleak mass human experiment.
In case you haven’t realised by now (most likely because your primary source of information is the firewall against inconvenient vaccine information that is mainstream news), such stories of Covid vaccine victims are coming out thick and fast. In a somewhat self-defeating twist, these stories are now emerging at such pace because many of the people who have witness these stories first hand — namely our frontline health workers — are now being ‘released’ from their positions due to their hesitance to take the very medicine that they have witnessed first hand as causing unprecedented illness and death.
So we have no shortage now of Covid vaccine victim stories to choose from, as long as you know where to look — and one assumes you will soon not be able to avoid such stories, regardless of where you look. But sometimes all we need is one story.
The story I want to focus on is the story of Benjamin Goodman.
You can read more about Benjamin’s story in this article. However, it would be better to listen to this more recent one-hour podcast with his Stepmother Pamela Goodman, because it reveals insights to his story that truly hit home the horror of the situations we are currently forcing people into through the implementation of Covid vaccine mandates.
There are several aspects of Ben’s story that are worth elaborating on, given only a small minority of people have the time to listen to an hour long story of a Covid vaccine victim.
Firstly, the essential tragic nature of the story: that he died as a healthy 32 year old of a heart attack less than 24 hours after receiving the J&J vaccine, in his bed with his fiancée by his side.
Then there is the fact that his death was actually (and to the surprise of his father and step-mom) officially listed as being caused by the vaccine, even though it took a full 6 months of waiting and constant pressure by the family before the coroners report was released.
Then there is the fact that the doctors didn’t even know about the existence of VAERS (the voluntary vaccine injury reporting database in the US). This was in addition to a previous experience of his Stepmom, who had to report a separate vaccine injury onto the system herself when those Doctors refused given the onerous nature of the paperwork required. A cynic might even wonder if such barriers to reporting vaccine injuries are deliberate, and that they might help explain previous estimates that less than 10% of adverse reactions are actually captured.
Thus: when vaccine advocates criticise the accuracy of VAERS and other comparable voluntary reporting systems for determining the true rates of vaccine injuries (usually on the basis that it allows for false reports to be uploaded, even though such falsification is a federal offence), they are absolutely correct… although not in the way they think they are.
Perhaps the most notable detail of Ben’s story is this. Ben worked on Broadway in New York City, as did his father. Ben’s decision to get vaccinated was largely in response to the push for mandatory vaccines in his industry, and his desire to keep hold of his dream job. In a fairly sick twist, Ben’s father was subsequently let go from his same dream job because he refused to get the same experimental medicine that had just recently killed his son.
Can you imagine?
So… what is the power of a story such as Benjamin’s? Why share the story of a single Covid vaccine victim? What extra contribution does one story provide as warning against the under-appreciated danger of these current injections? What extra proof does it offer against making these injections mandatory?
It matters, because nothing matters to us like a human story. Not data, not rational and logical arguments, certainly not the opinions of a talking head or your loud mouth friend on social media.
I can share countless examples of current real world data (which you can explore yourself at the links provided) from highly vaccinated nations, showing vastly greater numbers of Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths — both compared to less vaccinated nations, but also compared to those countries themselves this time last year, when none of their population was vaccinated — which essentially puts an end to the narrative that these medicines reduce transmission and should thus be mandated for the Greater Good.
I can also show rising proportions of severe hospitalisations and deaths in the fully vaccinated components of these populations: data that may soon represent the final nail in the coffin of the narrative that these medicines will provide any meaningful long-term protection from Covid.
I can also provide an ethical case against mandating a medicine with a now acknowledged and indisputable side effect of death; not to mention a fairly self-evident medical argument that no medicine will ever be tolerated equally, and hence be equally appropriate for every individual.
But it is only human stories like this that bring in to sharp focus the shockingly satanic inhumanity at the heart of these mandates.
Even then, maybe this story still won’t be enough. Maybe it will only be a human story that manifests in each of our own lives that will allow us to fully appreciate the nature of this inhumanity.
Speaking of inhumanity… here is the full clip of Princess Leia flying through deep space. Some crimes against humanity must never be forgiven.