Guys, They Just Told Us It Isn't A Vaccine
Why aren’t we listening and acting accordingly?
Welcome to the conspiracy club sir
I usually try my best to avoid bringing out the conspiracy big guns in my everyday writing — it tends to turn many potential readers off and is best left for special series like The Coronaspiracy, where people know what they are signing up for. Sometimes, however, my favourite theories are so helpful for bringing new perspectives to what we see playing out before us that I can’t resist.
The big gun, on this occasion, is the “occult” concept of Revelation of the Method. Sounds profound and mysterious, doesn’t it? Kinda, but only if you think about it too deeply (like all things conspiracy).
In simple terms, it means that every real or fictional nefarious deed that any real or fictional elite overlords might be plotting to inflict upon a hapless humanity must first be revealed and consented to by the public. In other words: they have to tell us what they are doing to us.
Why? Explanations vary. One theory is that they are so arrogant, but also so dismissive of the intelligence of the plebs, that they think they can tell us and still get away with it. It is the ultimate psychopathic ego boost.
A more nuanced explanation is that The Universe/God/Karma demands it. Free Will must not be impinged under any circumstances, as a similar reciprocal impingement must inevitably be inflicted in return, somewhere else along the line.
For many, this would be ultimate proof that living anything but a selfless life that gives ultimate consideration to the nobility and sovereignty of other humans is folly. For others… well, they just can’t help themselves, and have come up with a plan that they believe will allow them to get away with it — to have their karmic cake and eat it, too.
Let’s give a relevant example to see how this theory might play out in practice. Relevant, during present times, inevitably means the Jibby Jab.
One of the most astonishing acts of gaslighting throughout this pandemic has been to make the public believe that a medicine that concerns only their own health and wellbeing actually concerns other people’s health and wellbeing.
I unapologetically refer to it as gaslighting because these people shamelessly alter their own narratives as if their previous public utterances were a figment of our imagination. The same people, for example, had previously set very clear expectations for what the Jibby Jab was hoped to achieve as it was being prepared to be rolled out. Here is America’s most prominent public health expert, Anthony Fauci, in mid 2020:
“The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill.”
Quite clear: these injections should be thought of as therapeutics, first and foremost. Yet all of a sudden, after the release of these injections, the story changed. Their astonishing ability to prevent infection and literally stop the virus in its tracks was now being sold to us, and was central to the debate pivoting towards a mandatory agenda that poor conspiracy folk had only months ago being ridiculed for suggesting.
For example, here is the Director for the Centre for Disease Control in the United States last March:
“Our data from the CDC suggests that vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick and that it’s not just in clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data.”
We were given a similar message from the CEO of Pfizer at the same time:
“Excited to share that updated analysis from our Phase 3 study with BioNTech also showed that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing COVID19 cases in South Africa. 100%!”
And, to finish it off, here is Fauci again:
“When you get vaccinated, .. you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread... In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere.”
Then what happened? Reality caught up to this daring and shameless attempt at a narrative shift: Covid infections began rising in highly vaccinated countries all around the world, and the story has shifted back to preventing severe illness, rather than preventing infection. This was acknowledged by the CDC Director, this time in October of 2021:
“While they (the vaccines) continue to work well for severe illness and death, what they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.”
This revelation begs the questions: are these injections actually vaccines? Here is the Australian Federal Government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration telling us what a vaccine is meant to achieve (emphasis added):
“Vaccines protect you and the people around you from serious and life-threatening diseases. There are some people in the community who cannot be vaccinated because they are too young or too sick. Widespread vaccination helps protect these people by making it more difficult for a disease to spread.”
In other words: the point of vaccination is to prevent infection, and this ability to ‘stop the spread’ is the scientific basis for mandates: that they are for the Greater Good. Something that doesn’t stop infection, but does help prevent the severity of illness, is a therapeutic; good luck advocating for making therapeutics mandatory without opening up a whole Pandora’s Box about the role of Government in dictating people’s personal health choices.
Let’s give the last words to the CEO of Pfizer, again, this time in January 2022:
“We know that the two doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection, if any. The three doses with a booster, they offer reasonable protection against hospitalisation and deaths… and less protection against infection.”
The CEO of a Jibby Jab-producing company clearly articulating that his product is not in fact acting like a Jibby Jab should would seems to be grounds for ending the narrative around mandating that Jibby Jab. It has, needless to say, not done this — and the mandate agenda rolls on, seemingly invigorated by this radical act of truth telling.
Now, some might argue that this final revelation was simply a reflection of the now self-evident scientific reality, and an attempt to get ahead of the narrative. Others might suggest it as being a strategic means to further encourage and coerce the public into the booster stage of the experiment.
But what happens if we go full conspiracy: that this revelation is their final attempt to clear their karmic debt, leaving them free to push the Jibby Jab agenda into its final endgame, safe in their knowledge that anyone still choosing to comply now holds full accountability for that decision.
Because there seems to be a lot of this sort of revelation going on at the moment. Here in Western Australia, for example, we had the now infamous French Backpacker Incident.
After cruising through the pandemic with almost miraculous luck, it appeared that it was finally time to face reality. In fact, one could barely imagine up a situation more likely to spread the ‘Rona: a dirty infectious foreigner, unjabbed, unmasked, not just not social distancing but sweating, dancing and quite likely grinding away at some of the seediest (said with all due respect) after-dark venues in the City of Perth. Yet despite all that, despite doing exactly what we have been told not to do — despite being told that engaging in normal life while shedding and spreading the most infectious virus of all time is a shortcut to viral carnage — it turned out to be another fizzer: just another convenient series of events to aid in the normalisation of ‘Rona restriction creep.
Maybe we are just that lucky here in the West: that someone ticking all the super-spreader boxes still couldn’t break through our seemingly divinely-bestowed germ firewall. Or maybe, operating under Revelation of the Method, this was their chance to come clean — to put the truth of the scam out there in such a clear and indisputable way that those who choose to keep buying into the narrative only have themselves to blame.