Our 'Rona Selflessness Story is Over

It's time to create a new narrative to focus our altruistic urges towards.

I have been documenting the downfall of the official Covid narrative — with not small amounts of glee and smugness — for what feels like a while now.

While this narrative collapse is (in my humble opinion) a good thing, it also creates a gaping hole in our collective social reality. Because, in case you haven’t worked out yet, the ‘Rona story is about more than just a virus. It is about many things, both real and imagined perhaps, but ultimately I have been able to understand it best as being a story about collective selflessness.

The problem with this collective story has been that, as the official ‘Rona train has slowly but spectacularly gone off the rails, these expressions of selflessness have started to take a slightly toxic and self-defeating turn.

This is an issue I spoke about to a group of fellow ‘Rona dissidents in Espo (see video above; I kept it to 10 minutes this time!).

The cliff notes is this: with the old ‘Rona selflessness story disintegrating, we are in desperate need of a new narrative to collectively express our altruistic urges towards. Otherwise, without an alternative channel for these energies to be directed, we will soon be witnessing a degree of Toxic Selflessness that may be hard to recover from.

What exactly is this new post-‘Rona selflessness story? Well, that’s entirely up to each of us; we can all have completely different ideas for what it might look like — but if it is ultimately rooted in acts of altruistic intent, it is automatically a collective endeavour!

If you need help: I have a few of my own ideas that I am trying to put into practice, and I know more than a few friends who are doing the same.


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