An Alternative Explanation for the Died Suddenly Epidemic
The damage being inflicted on the human heart is not just biological.
Just to be clear, for anyone new here, I am as anti-Jibby Jab as they come: every Jab — not just the ‘Rona designer edition — is inherently poisonous, founded in an inverted understanding of human health and disease, and leading humanity towards a transhumanist future by gradually making our collective bodies more artificial.
Also to be clear: I am in no doubt that the Died Suddenly epidemic is real and serious. Both:
a) rising all cause mortality; and
b) analysis of Covid deaths before and after Orange Man’s Bigly and Beautiful injections were rolled out to the world;
show this beyond reasonable doubt. This epidemic is also shadowed by an epidemic of debilitating disability, which will probably be the pandemic’s lasting legacy.
Nonetheless: I’m not entirely comfortable with how aggressively this epidemic is being linked back to the Jibby Jab.
Let me explain.
Before he started dropping terrain theory red pills, Dr. Tom Cowan said a lot about how our understanding of heart attacks, and the heart is general, is fundamentally misguided. What if there is even more mystery to it than we imagined?
I remember when my Uncle died of a heart attack, roughly a decade ago.
He had lived an incredibly hard life: constant debilitating health conditions and a series of unhealthy relationships, finishing with his second wife, an insufferably smug and judgemental fundamentalist Christian who essentially controlled his life and got embarrassingly pissed at every get together. It was a month or so before Christmas, which had transformed from a pleasant family gathering to an event of psychological warfare and survival.
I wondered — when we were allowed to see his body at the hospital — if my Uncle had decided he simply didn’t have another Christmas in him. A loyal and selfless man, to a fault, I also wondered if he saw it as an act of grace to us, as well.
Based on what we now know about the physiological effects of the Jibby Jabs, many if not most of these sudden deaths can be reasonably hypothesised as being Jab-enabled.
That said, we also know that the majority of adverse reactions have occurred in close proximity to being injected: this is the whole rationale behind the astonishing statistical scam that was 14 Days to Hide Jibby Jab Injuries, after all. Why is it now, far removed from the initial jabbing fenzy and with booster uptake as encouragingly low as it is, that the epidemic seems be going into overdrive?
One of the main arguments (aside from blaming everything on Long ‘Rona) by those who seem intent on going down with the Jibby Jab ship is that excess deaths are the result of other pandemic measures: for example, lockdowns causing increases in loneliness, substance abuse and missed medical checkups. Aside from the last reason — avoiding any conventional, germ-theory-compromised medical enterprise is probably the healthiest life choice one can make right now — they would have a point.
For example, we know that hospital and nursing home protocols were directly responsible for many of the “Covid” deaths over the first 12 months. But how many of these people actually died from a “virus” — or from prescribed “medications” — and how many died from social isolation, loneliness and hopelessness?
It’s easy to forget just how bleak things felt under this New Normal of social distancing, isolation and quarantine — and, in turn, how effectively the Jab was marketed as the only way out of this fundamentally inhumane reality.
The corona is the crown, and Covid has been the crowning of The Germ Conspiracy: one of the greatest spells ever cast upon humanity.
The crowning achievement of The Germ Conspiracists has been a 3 year attempt to degrade, demoralise, and dispirit us — but ultimately also to divide us, to separate us, to turn us against each other. For those breaking out of the spell, such a sudden realisation — and one’s potential role in enabling and/or consenting to it — is not for the faint-hearted.
What I think we are seeing is a coordinated attack on the human heart — in fact, this might be the best way to understand the pandemic within a holistic conspiratorial framework. The Jibby Jab represents the primary biological weapon in this war, but much of the battle is being fought elsewhere.
I know this sounds bleak, and I would prefer to simply blame the Jibby Jab for everything instead, but what we may be witnessing is an epidemic of broken hearts.
Another soul checks out of Heart Break Hotel.