MAGA 2022 Midterm Updates: The Perfect Election Doesn't Exi--
Come with me on this one, fellow diggers.
Red Waves, October Surprises, November Bloodbaths and Blood Moons
DTWH MAGA Midterms Preview.
Welcome to your Official MAGA Midterms News Service
Smell the Greatness, and the Gunpowder.
Some Observations on the 2020 US Election that Definitely Don’t Prove Election Fraud
Because there definitely was no election fraud, obviously.
Semi-colon Pedantry, Grammar Nazism and the US Election
It will make sense by the end, trust me.
In Case You Haven't Realised Yet, Trump Ain’t Playin’
And I’m putting my money where my mouth is to prove it.
Trump, Voter Fraud and a Tale of Three Lawyers
What can we learn about this unfolding shit show from the characters who are starring in it?
Who’s Going to Tell Biden Supporters They Haven’t Won Yet?
Seriously, someone needs to, because the media won’t.
Why Trump Won’t Need Election Interference to Win
That’s not to say it won’t still happen of course.
The Russiagate Conspiracy is an Embarrassment to Conspiracies
Why Democrats and their supporters should leave the tin foil hats to the experts.