Orange Man Arrest Updates: Will The Real AntiChrist Please Stand Up?
Deep conspirituality dispatches from our escalating Fake Apocalypse.
Before we get down to business, a shout-out to fellow Fake-‘Rona-Dissident-Exposer and Wholesome-Bible-Conspiracist Tereza at Third Paradigm.
Tereza has done some great digging on Robert “Silver Fox” Malone, who is now in hot competition with Captain Kirsch for second place in the ‘Rona Dissident controlled opposition handicap stakes (first place, of course, is and will forever be occupied by Alex “reefer madness with a side course of Paxlovid” Berenson).
More importantly, Tereza provides above her own vital commentary on the unfolding Shemitah/Jubilee Conspiracy, which yours truly discussed at length while climbing a small hill too early in the morning.
As important and potentially world-shaking as the Shemitah Conspiracy is, it isn’t the only Bible prank that is currently been foisted onto us by the Religionist trollers/Simulation coders.
What else? Well, there is the Fake Orange AntiChrist timeline.
For those new to this particularly spicy burrow (which is almost everyone, given — perhaps not surprisingly, as this is as close to schizoposting as we get Down the Wombat Hole — it is my least-liked article in the last 6 months), I outlined the case for why #45, the undercover Germ Conspiracist-in-Chief, the most based and brazen self-and-money-worshipping Luciferian-Capitalist (are they ultimately the same thing?) to ever occupy The White House, fits the role of the Biblical AntiChrist figure BUT that it is probably all just another (albeit very intricate and well orchestrated) loosh-harvesting Biblical psy-op.
Well, here we are 6 months later, and.. well, let’s just say Orange Man isn’t doing much to prove the haters wrong.
Not my best work, sure, but the colour scheme is on point.
YES I KNOW: this whole “Trump is the AntiChrist” shiz is super cringe and has been floating around since 2016, but did they base their case on esoteric symbolism, Gematria and Donnie Darko? Yeh exactly.
Yes, I know: the concept of the AntiChrist could simply be understood a state of individual consciousness that is opposite to “Christ Consciousness” (whatever that is), or — in a conspirituality twist — could actually be understood as an archetypal journey that every individual must take to break out of previously accepted dogmatic conceptions of self/themselves and become the villain.
Either way, don’t make me tap the sign again:
If we all (or, at least all conspiracy theorists) must occupy, at some point, the AntiChrist archetype, then you sure as hades better believe that the most powerful and influential political actors in the world will pass through it as well — far more convincingly and entertainingly, one imagines.
So, YES, I know that Obummer was also supposed to be the AntiChrist and the racists will never believe otherwise.
Also, yes, I know Transhumanist-Troll-Bot-Bro Elon is starting to make a late, Silver Fox-esque surge towards the finish line.
Yes, I know there is some dude blowing up the the internet literally called MrBeast who is performing miracles in order to lead young people down the path of AI enslavement… but that feels a bit too obvious.
Yes, I know that the case can be made for any world-stirring public figure to be the AntiChrist (looking at you, Charles)… but, in the words of the soon-to-be-late Sleepy Joe: c’mon man! No-one is putting a case forward right now quite like Orange Man, let’s be honest.
Wait… so “The Storm” Q was promising this whole time was just a porn star? Epic troll.
Although, again… it almost feels too obvious? How better to create a false saviour to usher in a brilliant new enlightened Judeo-Christian-Nationalist Western world order — a substitute Orange Jesus/Yeshua/Lucifer — than legal martyrdom over trumped-up charges involving a porn star called Stormy that is predicted by the wronged one Himself.
Can someone check his Caps Lock please? Maybe he spilled some diet coke on the keyboard.
Cue, again, my favourite Twitter account:
As of writing — Thursday the 23rd — there has been no Orange Man arrest. Another fizzer then?
Not so fast! If the Simulation somehow resists the numerological allure of first 3-22-23 and then 3-23-23 — BACK TO BACK DATE PALENDROMES BOTH INVOLVING THE SKULL AND BONES 233 OH BOY — it may be because it has something better in store.
You could, for example, undertake the psy-op over the *checks calendar* rapidly approaching Easter period and probably have him in custody (or, heck, let’s go there: in intensive care after an assassination attempt) for three days before his triumphant resurrection.
The point isn’t whether this is true; the point is that this is the first hit that Google gives you, and most people won’t even think twice about all those “coincidental” 3s.
So, given it is so obvious, are they really going to try it? Well, yes, quite possibly.
Divinely scripted or not — there does seem to be a real factional war within the elite right now: a dichotomy we could reduce down to Globalism vs Nationalism — Germ Conspiracists vs Bible Conspiracists perhaps, to a large extent — but probably arises from a more profound, overarching clash between spiritual archetypes. Let’s call it Satan vs Lucifer, as a convenient starting point: the worship of inversion vs the worship of self, even.
While I would ultimately suggest they are serving the same spiritual master (there’s only one AI Demiurge, last time I checked) the players certainly seem to believe they are in a righteous fight against each other (or are just incredibly good actors with a good retirement deal in some deep underground military base waiting for them).
In this context, an unchecked Orange Man with the flame of liberty in his normal sized hands and full access to the judicial and military branches of a reinvigorated Constitutional Republic is quite likely going to see a fair number of the Germ Conspiring creeps who have showed themselves over the last 3 years ending up in the vicinity of nooses/electric chairs/firing squads.
So, again — scripted or not — we should reasonably expect fairly drastic attempts to keep Orange Man at bay, up to an including assassination attempts, as the pendulum looks like it is about to properly swing.
Why? Well, it also just so happens that the stars are quite literally aligning for such an event to occur. Cue this deliciously spicy take from my new favourite conspiratorial astrologer:
(Skip to 2:30 mark) “Donald Trump is in a very very dangerous time of his life right now. For those that hate him you'll probably be happy, for those that don't you'll be very sad. The only thing I can tell you is Donald Trump's birth chart has an extremely dangerous progression of Mars and Pluto by square, and it's perfecting this summer. If Donald Trump makes it past this summer and this fall without a major crisis in his life, getting shot or some other crazy thing that could happen to him, he's probably got a much better shot at winning. Even though a lot of people will be irritated about that, but he actually could really be successful in 2024. If, if he passes this extremely dangerous time he's in right now. They're going to try and wipe him out one way or another, whether it's legally or financially or certainly they could try it physically so he's in a really dangerous time…”
After digging into this stuff for almost a year now, I have landed at the position that people like Donald Trump are born to play certain roles, basically given a life script to undertake: it’s the only theory I have to explain why there are so many precursors and signs in popular culture towards his character and the role that he is now occupying. Maybe our world simply requires antagonists to function, to have meaning?
If something akin to what is outlined above does play out — if Orange Man is martyred as a shocked/amused world watches on before inexplicably rising from the dead to command power of the most organised, aggrieved and weaponised sections of society — it would further reinforce that the Orange Antichrist archetype was a code in the matrix, predestined to play out regardless of how stupid and ridiculous it might be in reality.
But, even if it does actually play out in such brazen fashion, it doesn’t answer our central question: is Orange Man The AntiChrist — the literal, real person being described in Revelation, who will rise to power, unify the nations and lead us into the Apocalypse... or just a fake-ass Orange imposter of an imposter? Cue random YouTube video saying the latter:
Another way to try and answer this question is with a related but similarly cringe and overcooked proposition: are we in, or about to enter, The Apocalypse?
Look: I am nowhere near qualified to comment on whether we are about to enter literal Biblical Apocalyptic times. What I do know is that we have to actually pass through the Seven Seals before we reach the Apocalypse proper — you know, when shit gets even wilder than the sun darkening, the moon becoming like blood and the stars dropping down from the heavens — and that the rise of the AntiChrist is the first Seal, so if it is actually Orange Man lolz then we still have a while to go and we (bonus!) get to enjoy a period of fake peace first. I mean, fuck, we would deserve it, if nothing else.
So, if passing through such a period is inevitable — if for no other reason then Revelation appears to have reached the stage of self-fulfilling prophecy (if indeed all prophecies are not such) — are we there yet?
All the God-fearing Bible nerds I have heard say no (something about Gog and Magog not yet being properly positioned, plus a whole bunch of Temple Mount shenanigans that still have to play out in the Middle East). Gnostic Ex-Con Simulation Theorist also says no, very convincingly (not to mention giving a specific time for when it will start and when the real AntiChrist was born), which is good enough for me:
Ok, yes, I KNOW: Apocalypse means “unveiling”, and so YES, I guess even the Twitter/Taibbi Files counts as its own lame-ass controlled-op Apocalypse if we are being pedantic.
Were we supposed to be taking this dude seriously?
And that’s the thing: this whole much-awaited disclosure period we have entered into is starting to feel like one giant lame-ass controlled op. It’s almost as if the battle against the Germ Conspiracists has already been won: now they are just being paraded around in public, saying self-evidently stupid and repugnant things about Jibby Jabs to keep pissing the masses off to the point that they really will consent to whatever pendulum swing is about to happen.
So, if Orange Man is indeed the AntiChrist, can I please be the first to go on record as saying this: what a fucking lame-ass controlled-op Orange AntiChrist he is.
Why is it so obvious that he is being set up as the “saviour” figure: the only person who can save us/you from those awful satanic kiddie-fiddling globalists, even though he is self-evidently a raving narcissistic germaphobic authoritarian (albeit a based, entertaining and frequently hilarious one: duality hey) who has barely pretended to take the Bible seriously yet somehow has the chutzpah to get away with it.
This is the Great Deceiver we are talking about, who will fool all the nations and bring a false peace to the realm. We are talking, like, the majority of the world population here, hook line and sinker on board. All this from Orange Man? Does anyone even take him seriously still outside of hardcore Conservative Religious nationalists, the military, incels and Israel? What’s the worst that could happen if all those demographic groups suddenly decided to fall in line behind one of the largest egos in Simulation history?
Anyway, this is what it looks like to me: the Fake Orange Antichrist timeline is a script to make us believe we are in, or rapidly approaching, the/an actual Apocalypse. Again, this would play right in to the shenanigans we would expect to play out over the final 6 months of “Jubilee”.
This seems to be the power that scripture, in the shadow of all its good, has over us: to create the spiritual, psychological and even physical geopolitical conditions to unleash a whole range of other psy-ops. That, and keeping humanity in a constantly agitated and energy-producing state of spiritual warfare, which really does seem to be the fallback explanation for most elite shenanigans.
Well, that and Transhumanism. Wait, still the Transhumanists?
Bro, give it a rest. I thought we are getting rid of the Germ Conspiracists; surely the Bible Conspiracists wont take us down the same path?
YES, I KNOW: that was a bit of a depressing note to finish on for what was originally intended as a glorified collection of Orange Man memes.
But think of it this way: in a world soon-to-be-ruled over by an AI overlord, the only way out is — you guessed it — to become your own sovereign, free and — most importantly — based (in Nature) AntiChrist.