The Jubilee Conspiracy Part 3: The Final Countdown
The best advertisement for external hard drives you will find on the internet.
The best advertisement for external hard-drives you will read on the Internet.
Firstly, to be clear: I am pretty much over this Shemitah/Jubilee thing.
Conspiratorial geopolitical predictions — which is what we are about to shamelessly indulge in — are a mug’s game, especially when they are somewhat Qtard-adjacent and dare to tie together the Big 3 of conspiratorial geopolitical soothsaying: financial crashes, internet blackouts and political assassinations. Engaging in this game — which is what it really is — assumes a level of pre-determination (and/or elite scripting/trolling) to significant world events that many would take issue with.
Having gone pretty deep into Simulation Theory of late (the concept that is, although the Muse album is actually surprisingly good) I’m open to some degree of mathematical coding to world events and the cycles that underlie them. I would still question the extent that specific events can actually be predicted by even the most autistic of Simulation decoders, as opposed to the code being revealed to us in hindsight (that said, there were truthers who predicted a significant geopolitical event on September 11 2001, based on numerology and predictive programming, so it certainly can be done).
Then there is the whole anti-Semitism thing. Hopefully it goes without saying but, in our post-Kanye’d world, it serves to clarify: pointing out that the Old Testament and Hebrew calendar appear to have been weaponised for conspiratorial geopolitical purposes is not implicating The Jews. In fact, the more I’ve gotten my head around this apparent psy-op, the more likely its seems that individuals who are either part of or aligned with the Jewish faith are the targets, not the perpetrators.
What this conspiracy most certainly is is further evidence of just how fundamental Religion (particularly fundamentalist Religionism aligned with the three main Abrahamic Faiths) is to understanding major world events: a fact that remains true regardless of one’s own personal thoughts on Religion.
Thus, with the stakes far from insignificant, we persist; we are, after all, all obliged to serve as best we can the purpose we have been assigned — and, right now, a whole bunch of signs are pointing this diligent dot-connecting digger towards a whole bunch of shit going down (comparatively speaking; I know it already feels exhausting) roughly from August to October this year, and I feel obliged to share my diggings as best I can.
So *cracks knuckles* if we are gonna do this thing — tie the whole conspiracy together in one post so that we can be done with this burrow (unless I feel obliged to do a Post-Apocalyptic Recap and Reflection at some point) and start packing our highly metaphorical popcorn — let’s do it properly:
Why August to October?
Our point of entry, like many if not most conspiracies, is 9/11. Important not so much in the event itself (if you want my full conspiratorial take, see here) but the date: mid-September of the year 2001.
Why so important? Because, exactly 7 years later, in mid-September 2008, the collapse of Lehman Brothers triggered the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Taken together with the market fallout from the 2001 Twin Towers attacks, we find a remarkable synchronicity between arguably the two most significant economic events of the 21st century.
These are our two most important markers: September and the number 7. Cue Greenday, and their inexplicable but un-ignorable contribution to this conspiracy:
Like my Father’s come to pass
7 years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends.
Where else, and to whom, are both September and 7 significant? The Old Testament as a starting point, and more specifically the concept of the Shemitah (along with the Sabbath and Jubilee) revealed to the Jews by Yahweh.
“You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield… but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat.” Exodus 23:10-11
In short: the Shemitah — which translates to “release” or “let go” — suggests that economies operate within 7 year cycles. The last year of the cycle is understood as a “time of rest”, following which can be expected a mini-recession event as a necessary evil for transitioning between cycles.
What about September? Well, it also just so happens that Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year, when we would expect the transition from one cycle to the next to take place) occurs mid-September to early-October, aligning exactly with the financial chaos in 2001 and 2008: the peak of the economic downturn each year occurred in the weeks following each both events across late September and early October). Both 2001 and 2008 can be convincingly argued to be Shemitah years: that is, the end of the 7 year cycle and the release period should occur in September of that year.
On first inspection, it seems that the conspiracy unravels at the first tug: September 2015, the next iteration of the Shemitah cycle, where — aside from a few not-insignificant economic hiccups — we escaped largely chaos free.
But that is only until we bring in the concept of the Jubilee: a special, 1-in-50-year Super-Shemitah that occurs after the 7th cycle of 7 years has wound up — and, in theory, where the expected month-ish of chaos is drawn out across a whole year.
I have found no clear advice either way from online Jewish sources as to whether this is indeed Jubilee (such calendar rituals do not appear to be followed with the enthusiasm that Yahweh was originally hoping for). These are the main arguments I have for us currently being in “Jubilee”:
The relative quietness of 2015 — ok, fine, the Calm Before The Storm — or the final Shemitah cycle before the real Fun begins.
The announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth at the start of September, just before Rosh Hashanah, during her Platinum Jubilee year.
The Inescapable Feeling, since that announcement (and the sabotage of the Nordstream pipeline, which occurred soon afterwards), that we have been gradually building up to something big — economic but also more generally geopolitically — and that a September climax would seem about right (and be more than welcomed by this point, let’s be honest, even if it required a military coup or two).
The notable parallels to what would be our previous Jubilee year — September 1973 to September 1974 — which was similarly marked by escalating economic and political chaos AND that concluded with the resignation of Richard Nixon in August 1974 due to the Watergate scandal.
Decide for yourself, but keep in mind that the point isn’t actually whether we are, in a strictly calendrical sense, in “Jubilee” — but whether this Biblical framework gives the perfect cover for elite fuckery masquerading as prophecy.
I dunno, you tell me: is it the elite trolling us, or is it just the Simulation doing its thing?
Whether organic or manufactured, the end remains the same: Prophecy is self-fulfilling, in that its manifestation rests on the extent that it is believed in — which is also why I think we are, at some point in the coming decades, headed for a real Biblical Apocalyptic period, simply because such a growing and widespread belief in it will cause it to be manifested into existence one way or the other.
Wait… does that make me part of the problem, just by giving this stuff oxygen?
Anyway: back to our predictions, which is why you are here, as opposed to existentialism.
If we are in the Jubilee Year (let’s assume we are from hereon in), we would expect things to ramp up to a climax this September — more specifically in the lead up to and in the aftermath of the Rosh Hashanah from September 15 to September 17.
These are some of the things we would logically expect to see play out.
An Economic Crash
No shit Sherlock: but at least we now have a timeframe, and we can also see the upside.
The Shemitah and Jubilee are necessary and unavoidable economic recession events, presented to the Jews originally as a test of faith with promised reward: bumpy but survivable periods of release that entail mass debt forgiveness and an aftermath period of relative economic prosperity.
In other words, both the Shemitah and Jubilee are periods of intense opportunity: especially for those ready to ride the bumps and prepared to adapt to the new economic reality as it starts to take shape.
This is the greater picture we must keep front of mind, if we are indeed suddenly faced with an economic shock greater than that of both 2001 and 2008 — as we might reasonably expect based on the rationale of the “Super-Shemitah” theory.
Political Shenanigans
While fundamentally economic in nature in the Old Testament, the political dimensions of the Shemitah/Jubilee also loom large.
As mentioned above, we have precedent in our previous Jubilee year of drawn out political turmoil, culminating in the removal/resignation of a sitting US President. A spicy-enough taster in itself, before we even get to the main Tamale on the menu.
Here is where we bring in the Curse of Tippecanoe, which I explore in more detail in the form of rhyming(ish) prose here.
Will the Curse — last successful against JFK but defeated narrowly by Reagan and then Dubbya, be resurrected for our Jubilee “celebrations”? If so: it would be the best proof we have for who really won the 2020 election.
Again, I’m not telling you anything new here: you have surely heard by now some variation of the 10 Days of Darkness Cyber 9/11 EMP False Carrington False Flag Internet Takedown event that leaves the internet landscape fundamentally altered.
All I would add is: would such a digital Great Reset event not seem like a logical conclusion to our current heightened state of Informational Deep Fake Warfare, especially as we now enter the particularly icky post-Pizz@Gate-disclosure endgame? In fact — and I am aware this may well have been the plan all along — an increasing number of average internet enjoyers would now say that such a digital “clean up” is now necessary for its continued viability.
If so, such an event would be expected, let’s say, mid-to-late September? Which is interesting, given this whole September 23rd thing you may or may not have heard of:
So, there you have it: all the evidence you need to get your offline digital storage regime nailed down ASAP.
If this is your first introduction to this conspiracy and want the full breakdown, I would suggest my sunrise walking rant.
Again: I am aware of the role the dot-connecting digger can play in manifesting a conspiracy into being. But this theory seems pretty baked into the fabric of our geopolitical reality, if you ask me.
Is the Jubilee Conspiracy going to be a banger or a fizzer? Time will only tell… but, until then, let’s enjoy The Final Countdown, fellow diggers.
The Shemitah, The Jubilee, and What’s Ahead for 2023
The Jubilee Conspiracy: Blockbuster Half Time Special.
The Jubilee Conspiracy: Blockbuster Half Time Special.
Well, fellow diggers: we somehow made it to March relatively unscathed, which means we are officially halfway through Jubilee.
For those new to this particularly spicy Biblical burrow, September 2022 marked the end of the Shemitah: a seven year economic cycle, originally revealed in the Old Testament as a blessing/curse to the Jews by Yahweh, which appears to manifest in our current reality as mild to moderate socio-economic chaos every seventh Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah). Previous Shemitahs of note include *checks notes* the collapse of the twin towers in September 2011 and the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008.
After a relatively quiet 2015, Bible Conspiracy researchers such as yours truly were warning of imminent and/or impending fuckery being afoot: the 2022 Shemitah edition would not be any ordinary psy-op, but a blockbuster Jubilee special that comes around every 50 years after the seventh seven-year iteration.
Such suspicions were confirmed, in slightly ominous fashion, when September kicked off with the death of the Lizard Queen, in her Platinum Jubilee year no less! That particular troll still feels a bit on the nose.
Not long afterwards, the Nord Stream pipeline went kaput, and our increasingly geopolitically-multipolar realm was thrown down an escalated path towards nuclear standoff (lets assume nukes are real for the sake of the narrative).
Concurrently, the controlled and manipulated drip-drip of Jibby Jab disclosure steadily intensified — the Taibbi Files, Project Veritas gay hookup stings, Monday Night Football heart-attack rituals et al. — all timed perfectly with the gradual introduction of the Died Suddenly epidemic into mainstream consciousness: engendering widespread societal consent for Nuremberg-esque bloodlust retributions and, ultimately, of martial law. Cue stage left: Chinese spy balloons and UFOs, just as a reminder that only the military can save you from the globalists/commies/ETs.
Perhaps fittingly, the final act of the first half of The Jubilee Conspiracy was, in fact, a half-time show: a stunning and bold display by an ominously Scarlett and preggers Ri-Ri that also, for some then-unknown reason, had a cameo by a bunch of NPCs in hazmat suits.
Prayers up for that fetus that it escapes the sacrificial alter
Usually — such as in the case of the ‘Rona-foreshadowing dancing nurses at the London Olympics opening ceremony — the programmed events foreshadowed in these occult loosh-harvesting rituals take at least a few years to manifest. No so this time: we had only a few day turnaround until they played their hand and decided to bring a 2021 toxic train derailment Netflix series into real life by bombing (east) Palestine.
Ok, ok: just to be clear, after a meme like that, we don’t do anti-Semitism Down the Wombat Hole. We do, however, call out religious fundamentalist psychopaths of any stripes who worship and give away their energy/free will/souls to demonic entities at the expense of humanity, which I assume is less cancel-worthy?
The point here is that we have only just limped over the half time hooter, and there is literally no reason to think that the string-pulling Religionist pranksters will let up in any way over the next 6 months.
So, with that spicy wrap complete, the necessary and important question: what does the second half of The Jubilee Conspiracy entail?
If i’m on to something with this Shemitah/Jubilee hypothesis, this is serious stuff that is about to unfold: potentially more equilibrium disrupting than September 11 2001. So serious, in fact, that it requires a special sunrise rant at one of the most iconic beaches on the southern coast of Western Australia (thanks to Tonika at Visceral Adventure for help with the audio editing).
I will provide the cliff notes of the video below (although you know you aren’t getting the full sunrise rant experience). Nothing I am saying is new or novel: the impending removal/Died Suddenly of Sleepy Joe and ensuing political chaos; a significant economic crash/recession event/period; a global/realm-wide internet outage and/or reset.
What I am doing, over the course of 40 minutes (the sunrise at the end makes it worth it, I assure you), is to give a theoretical framework for these events, and most importantly a specific timeline for when they might play out (basically: the fun really starts August, before we wake up in a different world When September Ends).
If you think I am on to something, and you think this information needs to be shared, this video will also be a good introduction and summary for anyone new to these burrowings.
Happy external hard-drive shopping, fellow diggers!
What I will do in this rant, once we reach the top of that hill, is explain to you what I think is going to happen over the next 6 months.
Now predictions are a mugs game, and there is no better way to lose credibility as a conspiracy theorist than making dramatic claims of impending cataclysmic events. So, before we get there, i’m going to walk you through why I have come to these conclusions. And if you stick with me, You will know exactly why I am making the predictions that I am, and I dare say that you will agree that I could be on to something.
These predictions revolve around an Old Testament concept called the Shemitah. The Shemitah, along with the related concept of the Sabbath, were part of the lesser known set of rules revealed to Moses by Yahweh at the same time as the 10 Commandments. Both relate to the idea of a Time of Rest: for the Sabbath, The Jews were told to rest and replenish every seventh day, similar to the God in the Genesis creation story.
For the Shemitah, this same concept is applied over 7 years: that every seventh year, the Jews would cease for an entire year, getting by on the crops gathered in the previous 6 years, so that the lands could replenish and continue to provide.
“You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield… but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat.” Exodus 23:10-11
The word Shemitah literally means to release or let go, and this is what we see at the end of this 7 year cycle: a controlled economic collapse — a mini recession — during the transition from one cycle to the next. This collapse, which was also linked to the forgiveness of debts, would be timed to occur around the time of Jewish New Year, which falls some time between mid-September and early October.
Because we are talking about The Bible, we need to establish a few ground rules.
Your opinions on The Good Book and its relevance to contemporary society are not the point here, so it will be helpful to leave them at the door. What we are discussing is whether there is objective, observable evidence of this Biblical phenomenon manifesting in reality.
And so I will present you with two separate yet also unmistakably linked events that occurred in the first decade of the 21st century: the collapse of the World Trade Centre Towers, and the collapse of Lehman Brothers. And their corresponding two dates: September 2001 and September 2008.
The Lehman Brothers collapse saw a 4.5% drop in one day, second only to when the stock market reopened on September 17, it saw one of the greatest one-day losses in history of 7.1%.
Two of the biggest geopolitical events leading to the two largest economic shocks of the decade, both happened to occur in September, at the end of Shemitah years exactly 7 years apart. What are the odds?
What about 2015? Nothing of note happened in that September, except perhaps for few Late Night TV show appointments, however there were several significant single day market drops.
But this is where the plot thickens. We also have a second cycle of 7 (third, if you count every Sabbath), or the year following the seventh Shemitah. This is the Jubilee: the 50th year, which represents both the final year of the old cycle and the first year of the new. In other words, a full year of Shemitah shenanigans, not just a month.
So, what evidence do we have that we might be in the Jubilee year?
Well, I will offer you this: in the last days of the Shemitah, just before Rosh Hashanah, we had the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth IN HER PLATINUM JUBILEE YEAR. The first ever British Monarch to reach that mark, and she just so happened to cark it, again, right at the end of the Shemitah.
Her death was, of course, closely followed by the not insignificant event of the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline between Russia and Europe, which resulted in the world being thrown into nuclear tensions not seen since the Cold War.
What further proof? Well, if this was just a normal Shemitah year, we would expect the festivities to be over by October. Well, it seems to me that things have only continued to ratchet up since then, with no obvious signs of slowing down.
What can we expect? Well, in short, an acceleration of geopolitical chaos towards a climax across August and September.
There are three particular events I would be watching out for, one probably sooner to really kick things off, and the others at the end, to close proceedings.
The first is specific to America, and it isn’t good news for Sleepy Joe.
The Jubilee is simultaneously both the end and the beginning of the Shemitah cycle. Therefore, we might expect there to find similarities with previous Jubilee years. The most recent would be 49 years ago, or 1974. What was the most significant geopolitical event of that Jubilee? The resignation of US President Richard Nixon, due to his impending impeachment as a result of the Watergate scandal, in August, just as our current cycle was about to begin. What do they say about history repeating, or at least rhyming?
Removal as President might be Sleepy Joe’s best outcome from this year: not just that he won’t be surviving the year politically, but perhaps even literally. That sounds a bit intense I know, but there is precedent for this, specifically the Curse of Tippecanoe: which has seen the uncanny trend of Presidents elected in years ending with zero carking it in office. Sure: Reagan and then Dubbya survived, but if ever the curse was going to be revived, The Jubilee year would certainly be the year to do it.
The second basically speaks for itself: the Shemitah and Jubilee are economic events, the transition from one financial cycle to another, so we would be expecting a significant economic shock, even at or beyond the scale of September 2001 and 2008.
The third you also may have heard of: a global-ish internet outage and reset event. The timing of this event at the end of Jubilee this September would align almost perfectly with the Predicted Programming pattern that many people have uncovered within popular entertainment, of reference to a world-shaking event on September 23.
Whatever does happen over the next 6 months, there is never an excuse for fear or panic: simply to expect the best, but prepare for the worst.
The Jubilee Conspiracy
You want The Spice, fellow diggers? Let's see if you can handle The Spice.
You want The Spice, fellow diggers? Let's see if you can handle The Spice.
If you joined me for our first foray down The Shemitah Conspiracy — one of, if not the, most crucial Bible Conspiracy burrows for understanding our current psy-op stricken times — you would know of the significance of this spicy seven-year September shit-show cycle.
In short: The Shemitah Conspiracy stems from a seemingly obscure Biblical reference to a seemingly arbitrary directive given to the exodusing Jews from God/Yahweh/Yaldaboath (soz, but if you haven’t been Gnostic-pilled about the Old Testament yet then it’s well and truly time) to cease work on the land every seventh year to allow it to replenish and better provide during the following cycle:
“You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield… but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat.” Exodus 23:10-11
Seems like more obscure and arbitrary religious bollocks… until you realise that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the start of the 2008 global financial meltdown occurred EXACTLY seven years apart and were timed EXACTLY to coincide with the start of Shemitah years. This seven year cycle of seemingly encoded/scripted social chaos and resulting economic disruption has since been coined “The Shemitah Effect”.
In what was already a pretty spicy dig, I dangled an extra 🌶 future burrow: The Jubilee Conspiracy, which occurs every 50 years on the seventh iteration of the seven year cycle (777, if we also take into account the seventh-day Sabbath). As the name suggests, this is the Royale Deluxe Whopper with Cheese version of the spicy Shemitah burger: a whole year of the elite trolling us through manufactured loosh-harvesting events, rather than just the small mercy of every seventh September.
Despite the fact that my favourite Psychedelic Crypto Gematria Bro has been calling it for over a year, I didn’t want to commit to The Jubilee Conspiracy too early: partly because I didn’t want to over spice things, but mainly because I literally had no idea if we were entering the 50th year of the cycle or not.
But, with a few more months of chaos under our belts, and with no end to the impending spiciness in sight, I think I’m ready to call it — not unlike a CNN pundit waiting for the midnight Maricopa mail-in ballot drop: buckle up fellow goyim (oof, he went there) coz it’s officially Jubilee time and the “festivities” are only just getting started.
The question is… can you dig it?
In hindsight, I’m not sure why I hedged; all the pieces of the puzzle were already there for any self-respecting Bible Conspiracy Theorist to put together.
As I outlined in our previous instalment, the Spice-o-Metre themed, Greenday-inspired recap and reflection: our previous September psy-op in 2015 was suspiciously quiet (aside from some key late nights TV show host movements) — especially compared to the one-two, just-below-the-gut punch of the Twin Towers controlled demolitions in 2001 and the Lehman Brothers controlled demolition in 2008.
Welp, seems like the Bible Conspiracists were just lulling us into a false sense of security, daring to dream that The Shemitah Conspiracy had fizzled out, knowing full well that the next iteration was in fact the biggie.
And, being the pranksters that they are, they decided to rub it right in our faces by LITERALLY KILLING OFF THE FUCKING LIZARD QUEEN ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE SHEMITAH DURING HER OWN PLATINUM JUBILEE YEAR.
Given how tin-foil-hat deep I am in unfulfilled predictions, it only makes sense to double (quadruple?) down and tell you exactly how I think the final 9 months of The Jubilee Conspiracy will play out.
Well, not really. What I will do is point you to the work of OG Simulation Theorist Jason Breshears: the most controversial yet essential truther in the Conspirituality Community right now.
Breshears — registered sex offender, ex-Con of over 20 years and (more importantly) probably the most well-read chronologist and ancient historian you will ever come across — has developed a system for major event prediction that he calls “Isometric Projections”. Essentially, it holds that our reality operates in a palindromic manner, where major world events mirror each other around certain pivot points. Once we can identify these “flip dates”, we can start to map out the approximate nature of the psy-ops that await us.
Breshears has spicy predictions for days: none more so than the imminent removal of Sleepy Joe as a reflection of Dicky Nixon’s deep-throated downfall in 1973. However, it is his conclusion of an imminent “False Carrington Event” — the deliberate bringing down of the internet, worldwide, sometime in 2023 — that has truthers everywhere rushing to buy external hard drives and Faraday cages in preparation for the Big Day.
He is not alone in advancing this theory. Remember the psy-op that was going around a few months ago, where various internet sleuths uncovered a repeating reference in popular culture to a major world-shaking event occurring on September 23? In case you were not doing your due digging diligence and missed it:
Well, it seems we were a year too early — because, as you have (hopefully) already worked out, September 23 2023 will be smack bang at the end of the Jubilee year. What a way that would be to go out, hey?
Thus, what they appear to have in store for us is 9 months of cumulative contrived chaos — controlled Jibby Jab and Pe@dogate disclosure, political and economic upheaval, heck even the much-prophesied Project Blue Beam-inspired Fake Alien Invasion — before the grand “cyber 9/11” event arrives to reset the internet and usher in the new metaverse-entangled Brave New World Order financial system, probably just in time for us to settle in and brace for WW3 in the Middle East.
Whoa whoa whoa; WTF bro. Isaac, that was a bit intense… is what you might say if you are new here.
Because you know as well as I do that this is what you come Down the Wombat Hole for: to be informed, through witty alliterative prose and dank meme warfare, about the potential future timelines that most self-respecting Stackers retain too much credibility to attach their name to.
And, more to the point: the fact that you are here and made it this far means that this potential future timeline is EXACTLY what you agreed to incarnate down into this realm for: to experience, bear witness to and hold the line during one of the greatest and most spiritually-refining times to be alive in our AI-hijacked Simulaverse.
Wholesome Conspiracy isn’t love n light bby: it is accepting the inverted nature of our reality exactly as it presents to us, trolling it relentlessly and mercilessly, whilst consciously rejecting it for our own Creation.
And through it all, regardless of how things play out, my message will stay the same: stay cozy frens… just don’t forget about your New Earth community building and vege gardens.
The Shemitah Conspiracy Pt 2: Recap and Reflection
Where does this most recent seven-year psy-op cycle sit on the official DTWH Spice-O-Meter?
Where does this most recent seven-year psy-op cycle sit on the official DTWH Spice-O-Meter?
September 30 2022
Suggested background listening, because we are all sick of the Greenday version
Well, fellow diggers: we made it through our current iteration of the Shemitah September Psy-op relatively in tact, which means it is time to take stock and assess the damage as we move into the escalated stage of the Fake Apocalypse Timeline (i.e. Red October).
It goes without saying that our 2001 Shemitah iteration sits on top of the official Down the Wombat Hole Spice-O-Meter, given it lays claim to the most sophisticated religious psy-op in modern history: a mass casualty loosh-harvesting event simultaneously trolling both Christians and Muslims by deliberately fulfilled various Biblical prophecies in order to smoothly transition our Simulation into the End Times. Verdict:
Not quite “blame bearded Muslim terrorists with boxcutters” level of fuckery — nonetheless, the world-wide collapse of the economic system exactly 7 years later is a satanic feat worthy of recognition, if not respect. Verdict:
Bit of a fizzer really, politically and economically. Culturally? Stephen Colbert took over The Late Show on 8th, while Trevor Noah took over The Daily Show on the 28th: make of that (and this) what you wish:
7 years you say?
The demise of the Lizard Queen, again on the 8th, was an early sign that we might be back in business. Sure enough, smack bang on the day of Rosh Hashanah — the Jewish New Year — they thought it would be fun to blow up an undersea pipeline.
Not bad: even if it wasn’t the Orange Man-tinged event I was hoping for. Verdict:
So, where does this leave us?
After a brief hiatus, it appears The Shemitah Conspiracy is alive and well, with all signs point to an absolute belter in 2029: perhaps even a bounce back to eye watering and tongue burning spice of 2001.
Too long to wait? Don’t be so sure; as Billy Joe reminded us (in what must now be understood as our official Shemitah pop culture disclosure artefact):
The Shemitah Conspiracy
Wake me up before September ends, coz it might be about to get spicy.
Wake me up before September ends, coz it might be about to get spicy.
September 11, 2022.
Today is a very significant day, obviously, but it is significant in ways that few people fully appreciate.
12 months ago from today, I wrote an article about the religious significance of the Twin Towers attacks.
Programmed into the events of and around September 11 2001 were a clear and undeniable nod to religious prophecy: I argued that it was, in essence, an astonishingly brutal act of scriptural trolling to further pit Christians and Muslims against each other.
One of the key synchronicities concerns the concept of The Shemitah: a 7 year cycle that the Jews would adhere to as a test of faith in God, where they would cease work on the land for an entire year to allow the Earth to replenish (similar gist to the Sabbath, but over a larger cycle of time).
Like many things in the Bible, what could easily be dismissed as hogwash actually appears to have some observable truth to it: human economies do indeed appear to need such an extended cooling off period to regenerate, and there is some evidence of an underlying 7 year interval period.
What is out best example? Well, it was following 9/11 in 2001 that an unavoidable economic crisis ensued — and, it was almost exactly 7 years later, in September of 2008, that Lehmann Brothers collapsed, signalling the start in earnest of the financial crash that followed.
If you have joined me on the Bible Conspiracy thus far, then you might be starting to wonder about the nature of religious prophecy.
Is the apparent fulfilment of such prophecies simply the expected outcome of our emerging schizo dot connecting culture: that if you look hard enough, you will always find what you are looking for?
Is it proof of mathematical coding in the Simulation?
Or is it simply more elite trolling of the plebs?
What I would above all like to people to take away is that it doesn’t matter (it does, but you know what I mean): the point is that prophecies are happening.
Which brings us back to today.
Today it was 21 years ago that the Twin Towers were reduced to rubble by controlled demolition.
It was 14 years ago that Lehman Brothers collapsed (and, ergo, that Matt Taibbi was introduced to the world).
It was 7 years ago that… hmm, did we skip a cycle, or did they just lose interest in this particular Biblical psy-op?
Anyway, let’s get to the point: at the risk of being both the resident inappropriate conspiracy theorist AND the resident doomsayer, I feel compelled to flag the fact that this year, this September, is the same Shemitah year — thus we must be on full psy-op alert accordingly.
In fact, in a final surprise twist, it is quite possible, based on certain calculations, that this September will also mark the start of the Jubilee: that is, a cycle of 7 Shemitahs, 7 times 7 years. A Super Shemitah! Oh boy, what do these assholes have planned for us now.
Look, I’m not into predictions: the last time I got cocky about that, I lost more than I could afford on MAGA 2020.
But hey: fuck it, let’s double down.
The pre-planned announcement of the demise of a fake reptillian monarch doesn’t quite cut it for me, sorry. I accept it as an opening act, the calm before the storm even, but I think we are compelled to expect something bigger. And there is no-one bigger than Orange Man, at the moment, is there?
Arrest? Assassination attempt? Jibby Jab adverse reaction? (lol omg imagine it)
If it does turn out to be the latest instalment of The Shemitah Conspiracy, you can say that you heard it here first.