January 2024 Wholesomely Foreboding Skyclock Forecast
Embrace the Expansion; Prepare for Escalation: Fellow Diggers.
Embrace the Expansion; Prepare for Escalation: Fellow Diggers.
(31st December 2023)
Are you a New Years Resolution kinda person? I’m most certainly not (Neptune laughs in the face of such structure and discipline) although I will be making an exception this year… and would invite you to join me!
Why? Let’s find out in the 1st Edition of WHOLESOMELY FOREBODING SKYCLOCK FORECASTS: where I synthesise the hard work of the Astrological Community’s finest minds into concise monthly doses of Jupiterian Optimism and Saturnian Realism.
Speaking of which: as I press Publish, Jupiter is Stationing at the end of its Retrograde cycle, preparing to turn Direct. Jupiter is the Greater Benefic — signifying Expansion, Hope and a Dignified Faith. Dormant since September, when Jupiter joined 7(?!) other Planets in Retrograde, these energies are now becoming activated at the exact time that we enter the New Year.
Just a coincidence that I received the download to begin this new monthly series on the same day that my Pisces Rising Chart Ruler Stationed Direct?
Perhaps the first day of 2024 would have made more sense, as this is when Retrograde Mercury will also Station Direct, bringing Clarity and Decisiveness to our Thoughts and modes of Communication. This will leave Uranus as the only Retrograde Planet, a status it will remain in until the end of January.
We will also be in Tropical Capricorn Season: Saturn-ruled, Responsible, Dutiful, Hard Working. Sidereally, the Sun will be in Purva Ashadha, a Powerful and Formidable Nakshatra symbolised by the Charging Elephant: Defying the Odds, Breaking through Barriers, Obtaining Victory.
In other words, the first half of January is the perfect Celestial Weather for actively pursuing our New Years Resolutions.
The peak of this activating energy will be the New Moon on the 11th, which comes with a bunch of supportive Aspects: the Conjunct Sun-Moon will Trine Uranus and Sextile Pluto, while Mars will Trine Jupiter and Sextile Saturn.
Just a coincidence that I received the download to begin this new monthly series on the same day that my Pisces Rising Chart Ruler Stationed Direct?
PerhapThis will occur as the Sun is entering the subsequent Nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha, where the Charging Elephant becomes the Grounded Elephant: Consolidating and Capitalising on the spoils of Victory.
This will be an ideal day to finalise your 2024 plans and intentions — because, as we move into into the second half of January, the energies will begin to ramp up significantly.
On January 20th, the Sun will Conjunct the Lord of the Underworld Pluto: this day may give us the first indication of the Planetary energies that will be headed our way over the following months.
Mars, the Planet of War and lesser Malefic, will follow suit in mid-February: with Venus also joining in a rare Triple Conjunction.
This will gradually build to some sort of crescendoing climax in April: when we have a Total Lunar Eclipse followed by Jupiter Conjunct Uranus. Expect shenanigans in the US, Middle East and anywhere on our realm that the small Orange hands of the Moonchild reaches.
So, yes, set New Years Resolutions to make the most of these Activated Mercurial and Jupiterian energies: but approach them as short term personal development projects that can be satisfactorily ticked off before the end of January.
Why? Because beyond this point, we may find that broader world priorities are quickly taking precedence over our own.
My advice, and the title of my first Wholesomely Foreboding Skyclock Forecast video (set to the sunrise scene of Magic Oak Woods and plentiful baaing sheep, in case you needed extra encouragement):
Embrace the Expansion, Prepare for Escalation.