Springtime in South-West Australia Meets Jubilee
As the geopolitical psy-ops intensify, so too do the floral aesthetics.
(October 8, 2023)
Generally, we mark the arrival of Spring Downunder with Footy Finals Season — if you know anyone from Brisbane (pronounced “Brizben” rather than Brizbane” fyi), give them some time, as they lost last minute thrillers in both the Rugby League and Australian Rules top tier grand finales last weekend.
In my home town of Esperance, we have a different marker: a locally-famous Open Garden 10 minutes out of town past Pink Lake (which is, regrettably, no longer pink).
So: what better medium than Springtime Garden Spam to deliver what will hopefully be the full stop on our diggings down this particular Geopolitical/Biblical burrow.
Plus, with Eclipse season fast approaching, all wholesomely conspiratorial eyes should be fixed on the heavens above us — as the Skyclock prepares to pull off one of its most reality-stretching tricks: the perfect (yet apparently completely coincidental) periodic alignment of an orbiting piece of space rock with a giant ball of gas millions of miles away.
A brief recap: in my first and last attempt at spicy geopolitical predictions (Spicy Astrological-based Geopolitical Predictions remain on the table fyi), I red-flagged the month of September for world-altering Economic/Political/Digital shocks. This was based on the 7-year Shemitah cycle — culminating in September of the 7th year — and the likelihood that 2023 would mark Jubilee, which occurs every 50 years after the 7th Shemitah cycle.
As September came and went — most notably the much publicised Apocalyptic date of 9/23 — it was hard not to feel a bit of a let down: the main appeal of The Jubilee Conspiracy was, after all, that such an accelerated set of circumstances would quickly transition us into some much needed friggin’ downtime from all this bollocks (YES, I know, we can just stop watching the news… but then how would we find out if Orange Man actually becomes the Antichrist or not?).
ANYWAY: looks like we got the timing a bit off (and were looking at the wrong part of the world).
That is, unless this escalation in Israel fizzles out (like that disappointingly fake Wagner Mutiny) — although that really does seems unlikely this time unfortunately. It is quite a sight to behold, watching the Conservative-leaning component of our Archonic political elite falling into line without question behind the Chosen People and the Chosen Nation, trotting out the same characteristically-sinister Western Warmongerer emotional blackmail that their opposing wing have been trotting out in defence of Ukraine for the last year or so.
Just a coincidence that the attack by Hamas on Israel occurred 50 years to the day (i.e. 1 neat and tidy Jubilee) from the date of that other famous October Saturday security failure that precipitated the Yom Kippur War?
Or is this just the logical, earthly implications of the current Mars-Conjunct-Ketu-Square-Pluto show in the heavens: one of the most dangerous and volatile Aspects of the Skyclock Simulation?
Yahweh only knows, one imagines.
Of course, like for every recent significant geopolitical event (and perhaps forever?), we really have no idea what actually happened or who was truly responsible. Which does start to make the whole thing seem like a zero-sum game, doesn’t it?
Nonetheless, coming just as the NATO failure in Ukraine becomes too obvious to ignore without a Real Distraction this time, this has all the pungent Inside Job odour of that other famous 3 letter combination — 9/11 — while also serving the same overarching agendas: an excuse to further displace and bomb brown people, reinvigorate the War Machine, pit Religions and Cultures against each other, and further cultivate the necessary geopolitical conditions for the Biblical Apocalypse.
So: what to do, diggers?
Go off grid and ignore this bollocks completely?
Go full Qtard and Enjoy The Show?
Admit defeat, get ahead of the game and knock on the door of our local Freemasonic Lodge?
I know what I am doing: more Astrology, more creating, more time outdoors getting my routines and rhythms more in line with Nature and the Skyclock.
And — speaking of routine and rhythms — more smashing away at the drums. Here is a short clip of me soundtracking an Orange Man Mugshot Meme Montage.