Terrain Theory and the Biolabs: A Conscious Uncoupling

Nobody said it was easy; no-one ever said it would be this hard...

For people who aren’t observing the conspiracy community as intensely and disparately as I am (I’m going to suggest the vast, vast majority of people) you probably won’t see it. It might just pop up in your informational stream as a spicy discourse between two people who absolutely believe the world is run by satanists who are out to get our kids, but yet become often-violently adversarial when it comes to the biological existence of viruses. 

What you are seeing here is the tip of a vast iceberg currently threatening to rupture the aforementioned tin foil hatted assemblage: between those who believe the ‘Rona came from a lab and is part of an elaborate, 12 Monkeys-esque global conspiracy of Biolabs, Bioweapons and other examples of elite biological sorcery… and those who reject the very premise of this biology.

I wouldn’t say it is the largest split in the conspiracy community: that will always be reserved for the spiteful, vicious yet wildly entertaining battle between the Globers and the Flat Earthers. But it might be the most significant split for understanding our current point in the narrative. 

Up until very recently, an uneasy truce had been at play. Both sides were fiercely committed to exposing the pandemic as the transhumanist trojan-horse, communism-summoning, lame-ass depopulation attempt that it is increasingly appearing to be. But now that this job is almost accomplished — as once-united critical minds are now being applied to other impending geo-political priorities and local endeavours — that truce may be about to fracture. 

It was inevitable really, so let’s not get to emo about it.

We live in a world of duality, after all. We are here — in this present moment, at least — to learn to live next to and in harmony with people we have just realised have oppositional opinions to us on key social issues. The weird part is, when it comes to anything that doesn’t invoke these oppositional opinions, things generally seem quite cordial. 

With that sentiment in mind, I have no beef with the Biolabists—keep joining those dots so the rest of us can stay ahead of the game, please. I was one of them, after all, and you better believe I’m still emotionally attached to finding out where this narrative ends up—much like I deeply desire for my beloved Fremantle Dockers to finally win a premiership, despite knowing it will have no real world impact in reversing our impending Western health crisis.  

I don’t want to argue with you about whether we really should be taking HCQ and IVM in anything except life-threatening circumstances. That would, after all, undermine my own fan-boy series on each of these humble re-purposed drugs, and i’m quite proud of them. 

I want this to be amicable. In fact, drawing inspiration from one of the great celebrity couples of all time — Gwyneth and the dude from Coldplay — I propose a Conscious Uncoupling between the terrain theorists and the biolabists. 

To aid in this process, I offer a commemorative retrospective 5 minute trip back through the Biolab plot line, set to the strangely appropriate emo-brit-pop of The Scientist. 

May there be peace in our time. 


False Flags and the Germ Inversion


The 'Rona Scam Explained In Under 5 Minutes By Terrain Theorist Wombats