A Shadow Poem

I have been thinking a lot about ‘shadow work’ recently. It is a term that gets thrown around a lot in the conspiracy/new age spirituality movements. I’ve never really gotten my head around it (which i assume means I still have work to do on my own shadow-ness) but it does feel very important for negotiating the times we are in. Thus: A Shadow Poem 👻

Have you heard about your shadow?

It’s with you wherever you go.

It’s there in the light,

Is it there in the dark?

I can’t see it

Maybe it’s gone

Maybe I can stay in the dark, here


Maybe I’ll never have to face it again.

But what is a life lived in the dark

Simply to avoid the risk

Of exposing a silhouette of your soul?

Hello shadow 👋

I see you.

You are me.

But also just a projection of me.

Without colour or substance.

A projection that now only other people see.

In my wake, trailing behind me.

As my eyes stay fixed on the light that I seek.

The light without which my shadow would not be.


A Levity Prayer


A Poem for Being Triggered