Psychopaths Downunder: A COVID Dispatch from Australia
October 26 2020: You didn’t think the US was having all the fun, did you?
Victorian Premier Dan Andrews: definitely not a psychopath
This is Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, the State of Australia currently subject to the harshest lockdowns in the world.
He used to be called Daniel Andrews, until his handlers presumably thought he would seem more relatable if they contracted his first name. Because, you know, the public are that stupid.
He is also, according to an increasing number of Australians, a deranged psychopath.
Oooh, a psychopath? Settle down, we don’t need that kinda inflammatory language. This rhetoric isn’t a productive and helpful way to engage in civil discourse.
Sure he’s a politician who has made it to the top, so he probably enjoys a power trip. Sure, they appear to be going a bit overboard with this lockdown, turning one of the world’s most liveable cities in Melbourne into the world’s most liveable prison city. Sure, it has a whiff of 1984 when he authorised the police to fly drones to spy on people’s backyards to make sure they aren’t undertaking the most sacred of Aussie rituals that is watching the footy grand final with a group of mates.
But it started with the right intentions: they just wanted to protect the public. Sure, doctors and scientists all over the world are saying lockdowns are no longer the most effective approach to combat COVID-19, and even the World Health Organisation is starting to agree as well, but I guess it’s hard for them to back down now. And they were generous enough to get rid of that curfew and let them travel 25kms away, so I guess those poor Melbournians should be thankful for small mercies — even if some might be using them to redefine the concept of Stockholm Syndrome. Hopefully the loss of a few small businesses and maybe a bit of a spike in suicides is all for The Greater Good (speaking of which, if you haven’t seen Hot Fuzz, you really should: it may tell you more about what is going on in the world ATM than the news will).
I have been hearing a lot about this Hydroxychloroquine drug. All these people who think they know better than health professionals (except the actual health professionals who are saying it), spruiking it as some cheap, safe and effective treatment for ‘Rona hiding in plain sight. As this really nice looking and certainly not psychopathic NSW Senior Medical Advisor says, if there was such a treatment available for Covid-19, there is no way they wouldn’t be using it! What a horrible person you must be to suggest otherwise. Or, even worse, a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, listen to her. She sounds so knowledgeable and assured, maybe a just a little smug and condescending, but hey: if you had to deal with all these attacks from crazy HCQ advocates all day, you’d probably sound the same when you put them in their place. As she said, they tried it at the start but it didn’t work. I mean, she did change the subject quite quickly back to social distancing and masks, and didn’t actually give any justification or explanation for why HCQ doesn’t work and why so many people think it does. But she is a Senior Medical Advisor! She would know best! These people would only ever be put in these positions based on merit, and never as political appointments.
And she clearly isn’t ignorant, she would have access to all the research that has been done on this drug. So either she is telling the truth, and HCQ doesn’t work, or she is a psychopath. But psychopaths don’t sound like that: they never come across as normal people, they are never that cunning and deceiving, they only come in the form of that awful Orange Man from America, where their psychopathic traits are open for all to see. And didn’t he advocate for HCQ? There you go, it obviously doesn’t work then! Plus, The Victorian Government even extended restrictions on HCQ for another 3 months (see link, scroll down to page 2147 near the end). There is no way they would interfere with the Doctor Patient relationship for a drug that could be saving lives! People would be in uproar if so… (hint).
Except well, I have seen a few people share actual peer reviewed journal articles that seems to show people who are given HCQ in combination with Zinc have a significantly decreased chance of being hospitalised and dying. But it’s probably just a few outlier studies — even that aggregating page which everyone points to to show just how many studies actually support the effectiveness of HCQ in combination with Zinc… someone said it was actually run by a conspiracy theorist, so it’s not even worth taking seriously.
The big studies, the ones everyone talks about as Objective Proof that HCQ doesn’t work, that’s all we need! And i’m sick of people trying to discredit them. Like when they say some of these studies only prescribed HCQ to late stage patients already likely to die and when HCQ has been shown to be least effective? It was early on, they didn’t know the correct protocols yet. And these studies, these large international studies with important sounding names like Recovery and Solidarity, that apparently gave patients 4 times the recommended dose of HCQ, basically poisoning these individuals and then used this as proof that HCQ doesn’t work and is actually dangerous? Just an innocent mistake. And that Lancet study, the one that prompted the WHO to halt their own trials, which was actually based on a fraudulent dates and then retracted. Well, we all make mistakes, even scientists.
But then people keep pointing to Switzerland, who also halted their supply of HCQ for two weeks following the Lancet study, as if this provides as close to conclusive proof as is possible for the effectiveness of HCQ. I mean, maybe they have a point. The Case Fatality Rate, allowing for a 12 day lag period, did rise from a low of 3–5% up to a peak of 10–15% following the restrictions, before dropping back down to 3% after HCQ use was reinstated. But hey: the Swiss stayed out of WWII, can we really trust them?
Ok, that was a cheap shot, sorry. But we shouldn’t get in the habit of calling people psychopaths without absolutely rock solid proof for it. Plus, this all a bit much for the normal person to get their head around TBH. It would help if someone conveniently summarised all of this in the one place, then people couldn’t say they didn’t know…
But anyway: even if they were psychopaths, let’s find a silver lining, because there always is one. At least this HCQ debacle would expose to the world clear as day, as long as you have your eyes open to see, that these people are in fact psychopaths. And it can be the catalyst for doing the necessary work to ensure they no longer have control of our lives.
That’s how it looks to me from my view from Downunder, anyway.