The Germ Inversion Finale: The Pleomorphic Mystery

The real shape shifters have been inside of us this whole time.

One of the most basic conspirituality concepts is to Go Within.

Go where, sorry? Well, while traditional forms of religion have and continue to offer the world much, they fail the New Age/Gnostic test due to their persistent need to create an external savior. Rather, it is suggested, we must (with the help of some hefty shadow work) Go Within, defeat our own demons and find that Divine spark and source that lies beyond.

Another basic conspirituality concept is the Shapeshifting Reptillians. I don’t really need to explain that one, do I?

What do these two Conspiritualicies(?) have in common? And can I relate it back to Terrain Theory, for my Germ Inversion series finale?

Well, there is a terrain theory concept called Pleomorphism. Have you heard of it? It’s the opposite of monomorphism: that a microorganism has a single fixed state.

Pleomorphism is pretty fucking cool: much cooler than believing in the Inverted Pleomorphic dystopia of escape mutant virus variants evolving in order to hunt down and kill you, thus requiring a limitless range of profitable pharmaceutical products to be created in order to kill each of these different disease-causing microorganisms.

We (i.e. me) have already made the case that we have got this virus thing all wrong: that instead of being pathogenic exogenous entities capable of infecting us, viruses are actually made by our own bodies to serve a vital healing function.


While there are untold amounts of morphologically-distinct viruses within us, they aren’t actually “distinct” as such: they all derive from the same root microbial entity, which simply changes its shape as required based on the environment it finds itself in and/or the role it is required to play.

Think about what we are told as “variants”: that they adaptively evolve in order to escape our immune system. As always, the finger is pointed at the initiating action of the germ.

But what if this sneaky shape-shifting is actually in response to the initial change in environmental toxicity — such as, perhaps, the introduction into the bloodstream of a new generation of experimental injections? Well, we would be seeing “variants” that have never been seen before, wouldn’t we — our bodies doing their creative best to adapt to this onslaught.

If you were a suspicious type, as the Germ Conspiracists tend to be, you would believe those sneaky little hobbitses are out to get you, rather than to help you.

That Pleomorphism is real is not in question — mainstream science and even Wikipedia acknowledge it — however the question is to the extent it exists, and/or can be proven to exist, in our bodies.

And that’s the thing, and why I always end up resorting to trolling: we really can’t prove it to any irrefutable extent, just like no Germ Theorist can prove that a single biological entity can be physically transferred through air or on surfaces from one individual to another to initiate disease. So much of the debate around the cause of disease, regardless of which side you are on, does come down to belief.

Personally, I love the idea that every microorganism inside of us is actually an adapted form of a single, endogenous entity, and i’m running with it. This root germ from which all germs can be traced back to — the Biblical Adam of the biological realm — has been called the Somatid by Gaston Naessens, and before that the Microzymas by Antoine Béchamp — the OG Terrain Theorist and arch-nemesis of Louis Pasteur: the OG Germ Conspiracist who put the foundations in place for the Germ Inversion we are seeing unveiled before us in its full horror and humour.

I will be coming for Louis soon, because the bloke really has a lot to answer for. But let’s leave him for The Coronaspiracy, and get back to the Shape Shifting Reptilians he was most likely taking orders from.

Can you see what they have done here?

These reptilian muthafukkas are just another bunch of inverters: taking the inherently creative and natural process of changing shape to suit one’s surroundings, using it to blend into our society as if they were one of us, so that THEY CAN THEN infiltrate our Western Institutions and lie to us about our pleomorphic reality.


Let’s turn it into a conspiritualicy.

The real shapeshifters, it turns out, have been inside of us this whole time: constantly evolving and adapting to change — leaving their past selves behind, growing more complex, more responsive, more able to deal with toxic environments and influences, more able to turn that toxicity into healing…


The real shapeshifters ARE US!


The Germ Simulation


The Germ Inversion Part 3: The Germ Oppression