A Levity Prayer


A lack of due seriousness.

Inappropriate merriment!

But is merriment ever inappropriate?

If you ask me:

Merriment has never been more appropriate than right now.

It’s all starting to feel a bit grim, isn’t it?

This overbearing, overwhelming worry.

Well, let’s put an end to that.

Fellow mischief makers: who is with me?

Who’s willing to risk the wrath of the worriers?

Who dares to disrupt the despair?

Who will troll during this tribulation?

Who has the courage to crack jokes during the apocalypse?

We don’t even need to call it levity.

Perhaps it is simply to elevate,

To alleviate,

To enlighten… or at least just lighten.

As the darkness descends, let levity lift us up into the light.


A Gnostic Prayer


A Shadow Poem