A Wombat Gets Political

What could possibly go wrong?

April 7 2022.

I had so many great conspiracy projects planned.

The contagious continuation of The Coronaspiracy, starting with the historical showdown between Pasteur and Bechamps that preceded and defined our current viral moment.

The spicy commencement of The Bible Conspiracy, focussing on 9/11 and the conspiracy against religion that it exposes.

And then my favourite wombat hole, The Earth Conspiracy: every theory about the hidden history, nature and shape of our home plane(t).

Fear not: they are all still there. They will all come to fruition at some stage. Right now, however, a fairly unexpected complication has arisen that requires promotion up the priority list: a spontaneous and not fully thought-out run for Australian Federal Parliament for a pro-Health Freedom minor party.

Why politics? Why give credibility to our failing, immoral and irredeemably-pharmaceutically-compromised Western political system and the people that uphold it by engaging in it and with them?

Every conspiritualist knows that true and lasting change can only come through inner work — from the inside — and presumably this also applies to salvaging our social institutions.

Plus, the Tarot cards told me to do it, so who am I to argue with The Universe?

Hopefully a return to normal Wholesome Conspiracy programming is not far away. In the immediate term, however, it might be best to cut back on the tin foil and keep my focus on the job at hand: so expect my posts to have a decidedly political taste (albeit still as wombat-flavoured as possible) for at least the next month and a half..

Well… that’s the plan, anyway.


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